Building the Survival Lounge Praxis der feministischen Konstruktion an der TU Berlin, Juli 2020
Building the Survival Lounge
by Tildem Kirtak, Sarah Rivière, & Hermann Schlimme
Kirtak, T., Rivière, S., Schlimme, H. (Eds.) Building the Survival Lounge. (Berlin: Fachgebiet Bau- und Stadtbaugeschichte der TU Berlin, 2021)
Building the Survival Lounge Inspiration von Audre Lourde, TU Berlin, Juli 2020
Building the Survival Lounge TU Berlin, Juli 2020
Teaching took place in spaces – both digital and analogue – designed to give students a grounding in the theory of intersectional feminism and the practice of feminist participative teamwork. This was achieved by combining the development of common ground for teamwork with individual assignments through which each student developed their individual feminist position. Referencing Kimberlé Crenshaw’s concept of intersectionality, we recognize that each of us lives with a unique set of intersecting discriminations. Students found their voices to express their own feminist stance. Voice here is not always acoustic – it can also be through other media.
Building the Survival Lounge TU Berlin, Juli 2020