Sculptural entrance gate, New Jersey, USA. Photo © Sarah Riviere

Garden gate with stainless steel mesh and cast bronze handle 

Location: Mountsier Garden, New Jersey, USA

Mountsier Gate: This gently curved gate was designed and built by Sarah Riviere for the Mountsier Garden in New Jersey, USA. One side glows bright vermillion, the other is clad in smart stainless steel mesh. The bronze handle was hand-cast by the architect for the project. In a second commission two cast glass and steel panels - the Mountsier Panels - were hand-built for Silas Mountsier by Sarah Riviere.

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Mountsier Gate, Photo © Sarah Rivière

Mountsier Panels & Mountsier Gate, Sarah Rivière Architect. Photo © Melissa Clarke

Mountsier Panels Sarah Rivière Architect. Photo © Melissa Clarke